Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's almost Valentine's Day....

It is almost Valentine’s Day….

Are you feeling?

Are you single and would rather not be?

Or are you in a relationship and planning your escape? Maybe you are afraid to leave because you think this may be as good as it gets?

Are you happy just as you are but people keep pressuring you?

Do you really want to find love but are afraid to even say so?

Have you been looking everywhere and afraid you may not find it?

Do you dread the pressure that comes with Valentines Day to perform or give the perfect gift?

Are you in an outstanding relationship but know that more is possible?

Are you in a relationship that has lots of love but little or no passion?

What if it could all be joyful? Easy? Fun even?

What if the thing holding us back from phenomenal and rewarding relationships was just all the garbage in our heads?

What if we could show you how to clear all of the unconscious heaps of

garbage you have bought about how things should be? Or about what you can and cannot have, be or do?

What if there was a simple way to get rid of that garbage?

What if we could let go of all the ways we sabotage ourselves with our crazy thinking?

What if we actually had a blast doing it?

What if instead this Valentine’s Day was so amazing that you felt like a kid again?

It is all possible. Join us for a fun and enlightening teleseminar or call for a private session…. let’s clear anything in the way of you having a most amazing relationship…starting with yourself. What if it could be better than you have dared to imagine?

……..Just in time for Valentine’s Day

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

— Rumi

What else is possible in your life?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Leadership Training

What is a leader? Who do you consider leaders? The people telling you that they are? The people convincing you that they are successful and that you need to listen to them? The person who claims to have all of the answers? The person who makes the most money?
We say none of the above. A true leader does not try to be a leader, tell you they are a leader or convince you to follow them. A leader is simply being. They do what they do because they love it and do not care if anyone is following or not. On the CAN we work with clients on a personal and professional level to bring about leadership with a conscious.
It does not matter if you are a business owner, salesperson, health care professional, educator, attorney, artist, non profit or a student. We work with people from all over the world and all walks of life who interested in generating change.
The world around us is changing like never before. People are beginning to realize that that they can no longer depend on structures and events outside of themselves. The rate of change and influx of information and technology can be almost overwhelming. How do we deal with this? How do we know what to do?
At the CAN we believe in you. We believe in your ability to know more than you pretend to know; to perceive beyond what you think is possible and to be more than you have ever imagined. In mathematics the term extrapolation is defined as creating outside of the known reality; going beyond what is known

Our beginning course is called Extrapolation 101 (and no, you won’t go blind!) We begin with looking at what is known. We take an inventory of your skills, talents and abilities that you may have overlooked and most certainly undervalue. What if you were your biggest asset? We believe you are. This course is about becoming more conscious of
· Who you are
· What you really desire (not just what you settle for)
· Your true value/assets
· How your beliefs and judgments impact your performance
· Inspiration vs motivation
· Being vs doing
· The infinite possibilities always available to choose
· How questions open doors
· The thing you are not willing to risk or lose; which ultimately owns you and limits you from receiving anything greater
· Simple tools you can use everyday to change anything

What if you began to see your life from a completely different point of view? What could change? What else is possible?

Classes begin in November! Check for schedule soon! Would you like a class in your area? Just email Tabitha...we would love to come to your part of the world!

What else is possible in your life?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Escaping The Illusion?

What are you really? You old trickster! What are you pretending not to be? Is the role you are playing enough for you?
What if you discovered, like Jim Carey in The Trueman Show, that your whole life was just a play? Would you have the courage to walk off the set?
What if that was the joke of this reality? What if everything you thought was a limitation was just a lie?
What if you actually had the keys to all of the locks that keep you in the birdcage called your life?

What else is possible in your life?

Friday, October 17, 2008

What Talents Are You Hiding?

Ok guys,

So I am going through my emails and seem to be on every list out there. Is it just me or are you too amused and a little sick of all the garbage in the information marketing world? I just looked at one of these…if you buy my book you will get $5k in free gifts deals… Now maybe I am crazy but these gifts are mostly jokes…the couple in really bad 80's clothes telling you how to make all the riches you can handle(maybe they could use some of those riches to pay for Robin's Dress for Success class), the stiff and uncomfortably posed woman claiming to teach self confidence (too bad it did not work on her) , the cheap looking cover of someone nobody has ever heard of that is touted as "acclaimed" and that they can teach you how to live a fulfilled life (maybe she could start with telling her face if she is so happy…certainly not looking the part), the 37 people claiming to have found "The Secret" to something that we need to pay them for, the woman who can teach anyone to "marry rich" (what??? Are you kidding me?? …run…don't walk…the other way), one says "Wake Up and Dream" but it looks like she had a nightmare. I especially love all the people who no one has ever heard of teaching you how to be a best selling author…if they knew how don't you think maybe they would have done it themselves and we would have heard of them and read their books?? So am I being a judgmental you know what or are these simply awarenesses? I get frustrated when I see all this crap and I see some of you guys way, way, way more talented that just don't see it in you and so these guys go on fooling others into buying their stuff and nothing ever really changes.

It is like the saying , "If you can't do it then teach it, if you can't teach it then write a book about it!" How many people are doing classes and workshops to 'teach' you the secret to building a practice, getting clients, finding wealth, a happy relationship and so forth and yet they have achieved none of the above themselves? The scary thing to me is that someone somewhere is buying these loads of you know what. All the while thinking that these people, who have never achieved what they are telling you how to do, are their answers and then wondering what is wrong with them when they fail.

SO, what if we do something totally different? In creating the Change Agents Network I never thought I was here to be a teacher but to connect all you amazing generators and see what magic can come from that. My idea for this month's calls is just that. Let's look at what talents, abilities and gifts that you are that you may or may not even recognize. What if we created information products that actually helped people and created more consciousness in the world? Most of those in this self help field scream of lack and neediness and greed to me. What do you think?

There is a guy who is making $250k a year selling romance e-books! If that is true then what could we do with the something that really makes a difference in people's lives? If you are still reading this then you are a true change agent. Are you willing to be that? Are you willing to receive all that comes with that?

We have everything on the Change Agents Network from artists and filmmakers to hypnobirthing and conscious parenting coaches to biz owners and attorneys to green building consultants and body workers to realestate investors and fashion designers and horse whisperers and sooo much more! What could we do if we pooled our resources together? What change could we bring about in the world? And in doing it just for the fun of it and just because we can I believe there is magic! What else is possible?

Join us Wednesdays on the CAN and let's all extrapolate on what talents and abilities we may have hidden or taken for granted and how we can utilize them!

Watch out world!!
For conf call details go to

What else is possible in your life?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What are you being today? What a question? How is our beingness different from our doingness? Do you ever get so caught up in the do-do world that you forget about what you are being?
The last two weeks for me has been a rollercoaster. I got a phone call last Monday that my mother had been taken to the hospital. She was fine and had driven herself to work that morning and when her employees arrived they found she could not complete a sentence or remember the passcode to her computer that has been the same for 8 yrs. I immediatly flew to Charleston, SC where she and my Dad were at MUSC. What they found was a large tumor in the thalamus, a place that is inoperable because of the damage it would do to vital functions of the brain. Seemingly instantly she was like a child; not able to do simple math or even name more than 3 animals in a minute.

The short version is that in the less than two weeks that have followed she has had 4 screws put into her head while she was totally awake. A biopsy of the brain that includes a hole drilled into the skull. Over 100 pokes and needles and blood drawn and more drugs than she has ever had in her life...we have always opted for the natural route. Her blood sugar and blood pressure that have always been in the normal range are now out of whack due to the other drugs. I have slept in a hospital chair and done things that I never thought I changing her bed pan.

In all of this on one hand I felt as if I was putting my life on hold; that I wasn't 'doing' anything. I even did our last conf call for the CAN from the hosp. What I realize as I look home today for the first time in 3 all of the changes we made. Esp how amazing the changes my mom is making in people's lives just by being. It is amazing the calls and well wishes from people who have said what a difference she has made in their lives...the conversations that she may not even remember today that have changed someone else's day or even life. The little things like inviting someone to their house for Thanksgiving dinner one year who had nowhere to go. A small token that they never thought twice about but made such an impact that that young man drove 5 hrs to see her yesterday when he heard the news.

One of the most interesting things has been that the tears that have been shed have all been from gratitude and a recognition of just what we have been to another and what others are willing to gift by just being with us. Who have you gifted with your presence today? Who has gifted you? Have you ever let them know what a gift they are?

Even in our least of moments we are changing and affecting the world around us in one way or another. We can intensify the trauma and drama and upset and intrigue of the world around us or we can spread the joy, laughter and frivolity that we truly are. I was lucky enough to share an amazing moment with 3 others who were camping out in a waiting room on the neurology floor the other night. I was feeling tired and achy and wanting to be anywhere else than on this uncomfy couch when we began to chat. All 3 from different walks of life...different countries even and there for different reasons. It became like a scene from camp.... all we needed was the fire and marshmellows. Instead of wallowing in our stories we all shared ideas of healing, hope and not shockingly with me to energy and looking outside of what is known. It ended up with an impromtu class on energy healing and a few of the processes of Access Energy that made its way to the family waiting room of the ICU.

What effect that had on the others I do not know but was such a gift to me to see that even there and even when I was feeling I was 'doing nothing' that I could be the change and shift the energies even in the ICU in the middle of the night. There are so many other moments like this that I am grateful for. There was the neurology interns that had not seen the video "Stroke of Insight" that we have here on the CAN and now want to show it to all their patients. Then neuro oncologist that says when I introduced him to the concepts of Dr Bruce Lipton in "Biology of Belief"..."Educate me...I don't know of any of this...I want to know more!" I was amazed at the numbers of nurses who wanted to know more about not only nutrition and cleansing because they see the effects of toxins everyday but energetically how to better nurture their patients. Our room 707E became the hangout for many because of the antics and twisted sense of humor of my family...mainly my Dad who is the prankster of the universe. (The pic I included here is when we had the nurse push them both in this huge wheelchair they brought because was the only one avail at the time!)

The biggest awareness I had was one day after speaking to her doctors and seeing how excited they were to learn of new and intergrative therapies I had to ask did she take on this tumor to change things in the medical world??? All my life I have studied healing and energy and physics and naturopathic therapies and thought I was the warrior out to change the world. I realized as I watched her lie there in bed that it was her and her beingness that was actually making such changes. Did she agree to take on this tumor to be the change? Wow ....

What are you being that you may not even realize?

What if you could own your greatness now?

What else is possible in your life?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Do You Ever Feel Like Your Chooser Is Broken?

Do you find yourself in similar situations over and over? Do you procrastinate because you are afraid of making the 'wrong choice'? Do you agonize over making the best decision? choosing the best course? writing the best article? being the best candidate? choosing the best mate?

Does all this agonizing and figuring out mean we actually don't trust what we know? Or that we believe there is something inherently wrong with us so we have to constantly judge if we are doing or being the right thing? Do you believe you have made bad or wrong choices in the past? Are you afraid to choose wrongly now so you just don't choose? How much are we choosing just to avoid the pain of losing?

What if losing was not an issue? Then what would you choose just because you desired it? Not the right or perfect choice for all of your millions of reasons or justifications...

How many times have you procrastinated because you did not want to make a 'difficult' choice?

If this sounds like you at all then you may like to join us on the Change Agents Network Wed @ 9pm est for a call on the Elimination of Procrastination and the Freedom of Choice.

What else is possible in your life?

Friday, July 11, 2008

What Are You Still Holding Onto That Is Holding You Back?

"How many would rather give up the
possibilities that question creates in
exchange for the comfortable
conclusions that will cement your life down?
Unless we are willing to function as
the question then we are making our lives concrete.
Then all possibilities cease and only conclusions
can be created. Conclusion means,
'No fucking way anything else is going to happen here.'
How much of the finite construction of who, what,
when, why and how you are, are you really willing to give up
to receive the life you would like to generate?"
~Gary Douglas

It's all there waiting for you to choose!

What are you still holding on to that is holding you back?

What would your life be like if you were willing to change even that?

So you think you are a Change Agent...

So now you're Change Agent . . .
What does that mean? Being a Change Agent is about participating. It’s about questioning. It’s about being all that you are. It’s about being willing to look at things that have never been and asking why not? It’s about functioning outside of this reality while generating a phenomenal life now. It's about engaging. It’s about showing up. It’s about giving up all of our definitions of who, what, when, why and how we are. It’s about not buying into anyone else’s point of view. It’s about being willing to be aware of everything. It’s about that knowing you have always had that there has to be more. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what is possible. It’s about celebrating you. It’s about consciously generating your life as you would like it to show up; never settling for what is. Ultimately, it's about coming together with others to consciously generate new possibilities for being.

Where is all this headed?

What does being a Change Agent mean to you?

What would you like to change?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Questions for Extrapolation

What choices are you making that are closing doors instead of opening them?

Are you willing to be aware, receive and gift energy, space and consciousness?

Was your magic stolen, destroyed, confiscated or hidden from you long ago? Would you like to claim it back now?

What are you still punishing yourself for and what will it take to set you free from all that?

Who or what is standing in the way or holding you back from your success with money, business, relationships, joy, ecstasy and bliss?

Can you pull yourself out of the entrenchments of your established realities? Whose reality are you living anyway?

Are you willing to leave every one behind? Or will you force them to reject you first?

Can you be comfortable in your own skin even when you have nothing in common with anyone else?

Are you in allowance of how much you really care?

Can you create a phenomenal life after great setbacks or disappointments? even death, loss or divorce?

Can you stay in your potency even when people do not like you?

What is the one thing you have been so unwilling to change that could give you the most freedom if you would just choose it?

What else can you choose that you have been refusing?

Encrypted in the matrix of your human blueprinting is your secret code. Are you willing to crack the code and find the real you?

What if that is all that is required here? Be you.... what else is there? Anything else would be living a lie.

How much joy can you handle?

Friday, March 28, 2008