Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's almost Valentine's Day....

It is almost Valentine’s Day….

Are you feeling?

Are you single and would rather not be?

Or are you in a relationship and planning your escape? Maybe you are afraid to leave because you think this may be as good as it gets?

Are you happy just as you are but people keep pressuring you?

Do you really want to find love but are afraid to even say so?

Have you been looking everywhere and afraid you may not find it?

Do you dread the pressure that comes with Valentines Day to perform or give the perfect gift?

Are you in an outstanding relationship but know that more is possible?

Are you in a relationship that has lots of love but little or no passion?

What if it could all be joyful? Easy? Fun even?

What if the thing holding us back from phenomenal and rewarding relationships was just all the garbage in our heads?

What if we could show you how to clear all of the unconscious heaps of

garbage you have bought about how things should be? Or about what you can and cannot have, be or do?

What if there was a simple way to get rid of that garbage?

What if we could let go of all the ways we sabotage ourselves with our crazy thinking?

What if we actually had a blast doing it?

What if instead this Valentine’s Day was so amazing that you felt like a kid again?

It is all possible. Join us for a fun and enlightening teleseminar or call for a private session…. let’s clear anything in the way of you having a most amazing relationship…starting with yourself. What if it could be better than you have dared to imagine?

……..Just in time for Valentine’s Day

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

— Rumi

What else is possible in your life?