Saturday, September 20, 2008

What are you being today? What a question? How is our beingness different from our doingness? Do you ever get so caught up in the do-do world that you forget about what you are being?
The last two weeks for me has been a rollercoaster. I got a phone call last Monday that my mother had been taken to the hospital. She was fine and had driven herself to work that morning and when her employees arrived they found she could not complete a sentence or remember the passcode to her computer that has been the same for 8 yrs. I immediatly flew to Charleston, SC where she and my Dad were at MUSC. What they found was a large tumor in the thalamus, a place that is inoperable because of the damage it would do to vital functions of the brain. Seemingly instantly she was like a child; not able to do simple math or even name more than 3 animals in a minute.

The short version is that in the less than two weeks that have followed she has had 4 screws put into her head while she was totally awake. A biopsy of the brain that includes a hole drilled into the skull. Over 100 pokes and needles and blood drawn and more drugs than she has ever had in her life...we have always opted for the natural route. Her blood sugar and blood pressure that have always been in the normal range are now out of whack due to the other drugs. I have slept in a hospital chair and done things that I never thought I changing her bed pan.

In all of this on one hand I felt as if I was putting my life on hold; that I wasn't 'doing' anything. I even did our last conf call for the CAN from the hosp. What I realize as I look home today for the first time in 3 all of the changes we made. Esp how amazing the changes my mom is making in people's lives just by being. It is amazing the calls and well wishes from people who have said what a difference she has made in their lives...the conversations that she may not even remember today that have changed someone else's day or even life. The little things like inviting someone to their house for Thanksgiving dinner one year who had nowhere to go. A small token that they never thought twice about but made such an impact that that young man drove 5 hrs to see her yesterday when he heard the news.

One of the most interesting things has been that the tears that have been shed have all been from gratitude and a recognition of just what we have been to another and what others are willing to gift by just being with us. Who have you gifted with your presence today? Who has gifted you? Have you ever let them know what a gift they are?

Even in our least of moments we are changing and affecting the world around us in one way or another. We can intensify the trauma and drama and upset and intrigue of the world around us or we can spread the joy, laughter and frivolity that we truly are. I was lucky enough to share an amazing moment with 3 others who were camping out in a waiting room on the neurology floor the other night. I was feeling tired and achy and wanting to be anywhere else than on this uncomfy couch when we began to chat. All 3 from different walks of life...different countries even and there for different reasons. It became like a scene from camp.... all we needed was the fire and marshmellows. Instead of wallowing in our stories we all shared ideas of healing, hope and not shockingly with me to energy and looking outside of what is known. It ended up with an impromtu class on energy healing and a few of the processes of Access Energy that made its way to the family waiting room of the ICU.

What effect that had on the others I do not know but was such a gift to me to see that even there and even when I was feeling I was 'doing nothing' that I could be the change and shift the energies even in the ICU in the middle of the night. There are so many other moments like this that I am grateful for. There was the neurology interns that had not seen the video "Stroke of Insight" that we have here on the CAN and now want to show it to all their patients. Then neuro oncologist that says when I introduced him to the concepts of Dr Bruce Lipton in "Biology of Belief"..."Educate me...I don't know of any of this...I want to know more!" I was amazed at the numbers of nurses who wanted to know more about not only nutrition and cleansing because they see the effects of toxins everyday but energetically how to better nurture their patients. Our room 707E became the hangout for many because of the antics and twisted sense of humor of my family...mainly my Dad who is the prankster of the universe. (The pic I included here is when we had the nurse push them both in this huge wheelchair they brought because was the only one avail at the time!)

The biggest awareness I had was one day after speaking to her doctors and seeing how excited they were to learn of new and intergrative therapies I had to ask did she take on this tumor to change things in the medical world??? All my life I have studied healing and energy and physics and naturopathic therapies and thought I was the warrior out to change the world. I realized as I watched her lie there in bed that it was her and her beingness that was actually making such changes. Did she agree to take on this tumor to be the change? Wow ....

What are you being that you may not even realize?

What if you could own your greatness now?

What else is possible in your life?

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