Friday, October 17, 2008

What Talents Are You Hiding?

Ok guys,

So I am going through my emails and seem to be on every list out there. Is it just me or are you too amused and a little sick of all the garbage in the information marketing world? I just looked at one of these…if you buy my book you will get $5k in free gifts deals… Now maybe I am crazy but these gifts are mostly jokes…the couple in really bad 80's clothes telling you how to make all the riches you can handle(maybe they could use some of those riches to pay for Robin's Dress for Success class), the stiff and uncomfortably posed woman claiming to teach self confidence (too bad it did not work on her) , the cheap looking cover of someone nobody has ever heard of that is touted as "acclaimed" and that they can teach you how to live a fulfilled life (maybe she could start with telling her face if she is so happy…certainly not looking the part), the 37 people claiming to have found "The Secret" to something that we need to pay them for, the woman who can teach anyone to "marry rich" (what??? Are you kidding me?? …run…don't walk…the other way), one says "Wake Up and Dream" but it looks like she had a nightmare. I especially love all the people who no one has ever heard of teaching you how to be a best selling author…if they knew how don't you think maybe they would have done it themselves and we would have heard of them and read their books?? So am I being a judgmental you know what or are these simply awarenesses? I get frustrated when I see all this crap and I see some of you guys way, way, way more talented that just don't see it in you and so these guys go on fooling others into buying their stuff and nothing ever really changes.

It is like the saying , "If you can't do it then teach it, if you can't teach it then write a book about it!" How many people are doing classes and workshops to 'teach' you the secret to building a practice, getting clients, finding wealth, a happy relationship and so forth and yet they have achieved none of the above themselves? The scary thing to me is that someone somewhere is buying these loads of you know what. All the while thinking that these people, who have never achieved what they are telling you how to do, are their answers and then wondering what is wrong with them when they fail.

SO, what if we do something totally different? In creating the Change Agents Network I never thought I was here to be a teacher but to connect all you amazing generators and see what magic can come from that. My idea for this month's calls is just that. Let's look at what talents, abilities and gifts that you are that you may or may not even recognize. What if we created information products that actually helped people and created more consciousness in the world? Most of those in this self help field scream of lack and neediness and greed to me. What do you think?

There is a guy who is making $250k a year selling romance e-books! If that is true then what could we do with the something that really makes a difference in people's lives? If you are still reading this then you are a true change agent. Are you willing to be that? Are you willing to receive all that comes with that?

We have everything on the Change Agents Network from artists and filmmakers to hypnobirthing and conscious parenting coaches to biz owners and attorneys to green building consultants and body workers to realestate investors and fashion designers and horse whisperers and sooo much more! What could we do if we pooled our resources together? What change could we bring about in the world? And in doing it just for the fun of it and just because we can I believe there is magic! What else is possible?

Join us Wednesdays on the CAN and let's all extrapolate on what talents and abilities we may have hidden or taken for granted and how we can utilize them!

Watch out world!!
For conf call details go to

What else is possible in your life?

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